Site preparation Part 2: Moisture concerns
In the previous post, we learned that soil is the support for a swimming pool. The moisture content of the soil is also a critical factor. Too much or too little water is not good.
It’s water that makes soil. Think about desert areas for a moment—shifting sands? Water sticks the particles of dirt together. You may recall the concept of surface tension of water from your middle school science classes. Water likes to stick together, and it has an affinity for surfaces. These forces cause water to act like glue, which is called “apparent cohesion.” “Apparent” meaning temporary! Should the water evaporate or become completely saturated the cohesion—the stickiness—is lost.
The moisture content of your soil is important to its sturdiness. How sturdy is mud? Squish! In the Midwest, we have a freeze/thaw pattern to our winters. If you have ever accidentally left a soda in the freezer, you are aware that water expands as it freezes. Clay soils expand when water is added. To combat expansion with water, we place an adequate layer of washed gravel under your pool. Water cannot “stick” to the large particles of gravel and expand it. Should water rise from the ground it will have spaces in the gravel to fill. If need be, a pump will be added to your site to pull excess water from the area surrounding the pool. We have many years of experience and the expertise to develop the best solution for your site.
At Pool Tech, we stand behind our work. We are knowledgeable and follow best practices to ensure the longevity of your asset.